Allow yourself to enter a timeless space of listening as Crown of Eternity's Mike Tamburo orchestrates his way through 40+ overtone rich instruments including Gongs, Bells, Hammered Dulcimer and tuned metal instruments. Listeners have described Mike Tamburo's music as an adventure in listening; sonic bliss; a deep and lasting vibrational rejuvenation for body and soul; a profound aesthetic experience; a journey through the senses and a perceptual rollercoaster. Allow yourself to be still and listen. Space is limited! Get your tickets in advance!

PLEASE BRING a your yoga mat, blanket, or cushion for your comfort during extended relaxation on the floor. The studio has blankets for your use or you can rent or purchase a mat as well.

This experience includes several sitting meditations where participants will be lead through toning, listening and breathing exercises followed by a long sound healing relaxation.

We invite you to co-create a sensitive, safe, deep listening and meditative experience for all participants. It is expected that all will commit to an agreement of being still, quiet and honor and respect a deep transformative space throughout the entire experience. It is our intention to create an inclusive experience.